The Art of Idleness

Irish poet and playwright Oscar Wilde said: 
‘..To do nothing at all is the most difficult thing in the world…’

I don’t believe that our lives as a Christian can be well lived in idleness. How often do needs around us go unmet because of our failure to do; to react; to trust God? I continually see an American Christian faith, neutral and shy of radical super-natural belief. It should be crying out: we can make a difference!
“…for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.” [1]

The New Testament knows nothing of a “faith” that ignores needs, closes eyes to injustice, and keeps one’s mouth closed to the truth of the gospel. We are after all, not just Christians, but ‘truth-tellers’. Isn’t that why we're regenerated and restored?  I’m convinced that our Holy Spirit infused faith is not a state of mind or a box to check on a census report. Rather, it’s a post resurrection Holy Ghost faith — one that reflects a relationship with God that grows, is fruitful, boundless and powerful. That’s the norm. That's why we:
✔️Nourish the famished
✔️Refresh the parched
✔️Get acquainted with the new-comer
✔️Clothe the vulnerable
✔️Attend to the ailing, and
✔️Share hope with the convict 
What we consider exceptional faith today is what the  Greek Scriptures sees as normal faith…#pkes