1st World Theology

For the past couple of years I’ve been on a theological Merry-Go-Round that’s quickly turning into an adult sized Tilt-A-Whirl. My conundrum? American theology or as I’ve coined it: 1st World Theology. A prominent Missouri pastor, recently wrote: “…the kingdom of God persuades by love, witness, Spirit, reason, rhetoric and if need be martyrdom…” He added on Twitter: If you don’t know how to preach the gospel without making appeals to afterlife issues…you don’t know how to preach the gospel!” I’m thinking out loud here, but maybe we should consider abandoning our Americanized Christian faith in favor of an Apostolic faith, taking our directions from the Apostle Paul, where Luke recounts: “..he [received] all who came to him…with no hindrance, he proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about…the Lord Jesus, God’s Anointed..” Consider this: Is your faith simply based on not going to hell? Or, do you embrace all people, sharing your faith in love, yet boldly?  Would the Gospel message you share, be understood outside of America? Deep thoughts I know…pkes #FirstWorldTheology
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