
Showing posts from May, 2015

Mawage-Princes Bride

Image Marriage.  I can’t say that word without thinking of the amusing Peter Cook from the movie the Princes Bride - “Mawage”… that dweem wivin a dweem…” Not every marriage is a dream, is it? What makes a marriage successful, loving and long-lasting? A Google hunt, on the topic of successful marriages netted me 14+ million sites & opinions. Groups like American Psychological Association, PsyCentral, Focus on the Family, The Huffington Post, NY Times, the list goes on, all weighed in on how to have a winning marriage. Fourteen million opinions! On Amazon, there are more than 14,192 publications devoted to telling you how to have a great & successful marital relationship. Yikes, who can read that much?! Even with all these resources, I’m still curious … what’s the recipe for a Godly, biblically based, successful marriage? Consider these four ideas to help establish a better equilibrium in a relationship: Be on Mission...


“..When the holy day of Pentecost came [fifty] days after Passover , they were gathered together in one place… ” Pentecost is the old Greek and Latin name for the Jewish Festival of Weeks or Shavu’ot . Interestingly and according to Jewish tradition, Pentecost commemorates God giving the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai fifty days after the Exodus . Fast-forward to the Biblical narrative of Pentecost given in the second chapter of the Book of Acts and what you have, essentially, is the birth of the Christian church - God moved and people’s hearts, entire communities and generations were transformed. What transformation needs to blow through your life, this Pentecost Sunday? …Pastor Keith  #minmchurch    ww w:     Twitter: @ minm_church

Mud Puddles of Life

Take a random pole of Christians and I think many would sum up the Bible by saying that it is mostly about getting to heaven, getting right with God and the salvation of their eternal souls. It does include all of these topics. Mostly. Our study of Proverbs has proven that God had the Holy Spirit inspire writers to give us wise instructions, too. Tips on how to navigate the moral and social mud-puddles of life. This Wednesday we will gather @ 6:30 and conclude our Proverbs study with a look at Chapters 27-31. Join us! Mud Puddles of Life #GatherGrowGo   ‪#‎ minmchurch

Man of God

“Man of God” is the description given to a man that follows God, who walks humbly with His God, who obeys His commands with joy, who appreciates life, but lives for the things of eternity, who willingly serves His God - yet gladly suffers as a consequence of his faith. Real Men of God continually grow in their faith and share their evolution. Checkout these  weighty, provocative, edgy, urban yet old school thoughts from the PRAXIS 2015 pastor’s conference…Pastor Keith #minmchurch "The final difference between the sheep and goats is what the sheep feel about the goats." ‪ @ cewgreen ‪ ( THIS IS HUGE, FRIENDS ) “For many of us we read Scripture like going to the zoo - we know what to expect. Then someone falls into the bear pit” ‪ @ cewgreen ‪ # Praxis15 “We are already citizens of either Babylon or Jerusalem - we just don’t live their yet. Or perhaps we do” ‪ @ RobbyWaddell ‪ # Praxis15 “In the Eucharist I get to show you who Jesus is” and "If you celebrate...
Nothing Can Hurt You. Do you believe that? I think many people live in fear. That fear is manifested as an everyday anxiety where we find ourselves apprehensive or living in the regret of the past, or gasping at the prospects of the future. The Prophet Isaiah speaking on behalf of God said : “So don’t be afraid. I am here, with you; don’t be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, help you. I am here … to hold you up.” To this, the Apostle Matthew reminds us of what Jesus said, “ You, beloved, are worth so much more than a whole flock of sparrows. God knows everything about you , even the number of hairs on your head. So do not fear.” While f ear, anxiety, and apprehension many be a natural flight response to a danger, in just these few verses we ought to take heart and note that God is telling us not to be afraid of being alone, of being too weak and of lacking any real necessities. You see, God did not give us a fearful spirit but a powerful, loving, and disciplined sp...

Kindness, A Lost Art

Mark Twain Are you a kind person?  Mark Twain wrote: “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”   I’ve met many people who speak and behave in kind ways, but when you get to know them better their kindness has, well, defined limits – they are kind to a point, then not so much. I think kindness is more than just being nice; more than being polite and sweet; more than an entire generation hearing & using the words “random acts of kindness” then immediately thinking of Oprah. I wonder if being kind, without boundaries or expectations, is a lost art in America. Maybe our society has changed the definition of kindness. How would you describe it? The principal word used to express kindness in the Old Testament is chesed or h esed. This word bears the connotation of a loyal love, which manifests itself not in emotions but in actions . So if you say you are a kind person do you think Oprah or Ruth? Check out The Book of Ruth, where characters ...