
Showing posts from November, 2015

Darwin Was Correct!

“…Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be…” One of, if not, the most valuable resources on earth is...time. It’s a gift from God. It can’t be renewed or recycled, nor is it for sale. You can’t earn, steal, or otherwise acquire even an instant of extra time.  Time comes to us all at the same rate, never in surplus or deficit. As I grow older in my faith I’ve come to realize that not only is time a God-given resource, it’s one that I need to better manage. Charles Darwin wrote: “A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.” As we get deeper into the holiday season and closer to Christmas, consider this question: Why has God given you His generous gift of time?   #Psalm39   #minmchurch #churchpearland

It’s Not Rocket Science

I did a Google search of “What are Christians against” The inquiry netted about 83,400,000 results. Eight-three million! I want to be known by what I'm for, not against. I think many Christians are getting wrapped up in what they’re against and are truly loosing sight of what they stand for. For some reason Christians are not very effective at explaining to non-Christians why they believe what they believe. They can tell unbelievers what they shouldn't do, but ....This can’t be all that hard, it’s not rocket science. God’s love, not His judgment is what really transforms people’s heart. Not arguments. Not proof-texting or using scripture out of context to establish a point. What changes lives are encounters with a living God and with those who are close to Him. Make it a point today look beyond the things that separate us and rally together to take care of the important: the poor, the orphan, the widow, and the oppressed…Shalom, Pastor Keith  #minmchurch #churchpearland

Diversity & Tolerance

Diversity and tolerance are hot topics in societal circles these days.  I think God delights in the plethora of differences His human creatures possess. John the Revelator wrote: "...I looked, and there was a great number of people, so many that no one could count them. They were from every nation, tribe, people, and language of the earth...."   Here the Book of Revelation describes the final gathering of God’s people, all are different.  Human differences are to be celebrated, tolerated, and incorporated in our goal of being “one” in our maker. However, when diversity is misused or distorted; when it becomes a political slogan; when it's treated as sacred; when diversity itself is revered rather than the One who created diversity, then it's time to reexamine our fervor. Is your motive for tolerance and diversity motivate by love, forgiveness and grace or selfishness and hatred? Going a little deeper this Sunday. Peace...Pastor Keith #minmchurch #churchpearland ...

Who is God?

“… what is man that You are mindful of him…” Who is God that He should be mindful of you? This is the question that King David the psalmist asked in Psalms 8 . Here, m indful comes from the Hebrew word zakar , which means to mark or remember continually, as perpetual incense rising; to set ones heart upon. In this Psalm, we see that God is alert, He's focused and He's paying attention to you. He is the one who notices and cares for everything in your life. No one can do this better, no one. But I bet there days when you feel that God has overlooked you and even forgotten you . If you ever feel this way take heart, He’s totally aware of you. Choose this Sunday to remember and to proclaim His awareness of you in a short prayer: Eternal Father, thank You for being uber mindful of me; thank you for loving me in a way only you could, especially when I’m not lovable; Thank you for your great mercies and remembering me by name. Amen . #churchpearland #minmchurch

Well, Well, Well

" A gentle response defuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper" and “Gentle speech breaks down rigid defenses” According to the Wisdom of Proverbs , gentleness soothes many personal conflicts. It disarms critics. It’s persuasive and attractive. It communicates love. It’s what's inside of us that can’t be manufactured. Consider the saying: What's in the well comes up in the bucket . The metaphor of the well is what's deep inside of us. Our tenderness ought to surface when we get stressed, tapped-out, or pushed to the limits. Gentleness is the fruit of God’s Spirit inside of us bubbling up when circumstances say otherwise. I think a gentle spirit during trying times is a true mark of maturity. Wise, mature people are pleasant, kindhearted and in control. Fools and dunderheads are rude and uncouth. What's likely to come up in your bucket when things in life get a little weird?  Proverbs 15:1 & Proverbs 25:15 (MSG) #minmchurch #churchpearland...