
Showing posts from November, 2016

Connoisseur of Churches

“…Send him all over the neighbourhood looking for the church that "suits" him until he becomes a taster or connoisseur of churches…” CS Lewis, The Screwtape Letters Technically, the Bible does not address the issue of church hopping.   Pastors often use some verbiage from the Epistle to the Hebrews to challenge members to commit to a church, but unfortunately some of these same ministers describe church hoppers as those with character flaws - an inability to commit or they’ve been called discipleship failures with a lack of maturity. But rather than blame an attender for failing to return to church or for not committing I wonder if the responsibility doesn’t lay squarely at the feet of the preacher or priest. Martin Luther said , "…Anyone who is to find Christ must first find the church. How could anyone know where Christ is … unless he [knows] where His believers are…?"  Wow! Let Luther’s comment sink in for a minute. Shalom…Pkes #MetroLifeChu...

Toys, Toys and More Toys...

Super good start to our Heights Interfaith Ministry food pantry Toy Drive.  Thanks for sharing your joy!  But still, more toys are needed to exceed LY where 286 kids  received  a Christmas gift because of your generosity  Please help with a toy donation. Write to us @  Ministry in Motion/MetroLifeChurch   Peace...PKES


“…Compared to the wounds of Christ ours are not so deep,  so painful or so significant…” – PKES #MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch

Exit Poles

In the middle of a tumultuous earthquake God can do something amazing - in the midst of chaos there is opportunity. Picture this: It’s midnight.  In the darkness of their dank prison cell,  Paul and his traveling companion, Silas, just survived a most severe beating. But they aren’t aren't moaning or groaning ; they’re praying and singing hymns to God. The prisoners  in adjoining cells are wide-awake , listening to them pray and sing. Suddenly the ground shakes violently, the prison foundations begin to crack. You can hear the sound of jangling chains break and the squeak of cell doors opening. Penitentiary guards, fellow prisoners and Paul and Silas must have thought they were doomed - stones and rubble from the cells falling down on them, but that wasn’t the case. As the shackles fell from Paul and Silas they and the others were all set free. Consider that i t would have been easy for Paul and his buddy to think their world was coming to an e...

Critique by Creating - Michelangelo

What are the issues and problems God is leading you to address ? Rather than criticizing let's lean in and  work on solutions by creating... #MetroLife Church #minmchurch

The Truth, The Whole Truth and...

We've all been in situations where we're having a conversation with someone and they're convinced you're wrong about something, even though you know you're right. Whether it's trivial facts, or serious issues, how you react might say more about you than the topic at hand. When trying to defend our positions and views we need to respect the other opposing opinion if we are to expect the other person to respect our views and possibly change their mind. This is no easy task; it requires practice and some discipline. I think this Tweet pretty much sums it up : "Being aggressive with truth to the point of alienating yourself from others is not holiness--it is [neurotic] and toxic." So here’s my prayer concerning this...Father teach me to understand more than to be understood, Amen. #minmchurch #MetroLifeChurch


"...Indeed the safest road to  #MetroLifeChurch  #minmchurch Hell is the gradual one..." CS Lewis-Screwtape

We Need...

#MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch When we've lost our way we need shepherds, not sheriffs....