
Showing posts from January, 2017

“short on ears and long on mouth”

…the young American evangelical pastor grabbed my friend’s elbow, telling her she needed salvation, to be born again. In an awkward way, he tried to escort her to the alter, to pray. Get saved or else! She jerked away, I winced, her response would have made a longshoreman blush. Click Here There’s a perception in this country, by many outside the church, that Christians are insincere and more concerned with the phrase "ask Jesus into you heart" than developing and cultivating a relationship, whereby others can be deeply and permanently transformed by God. Consider that salvation is not experienced by asking Jesus into your life so much as it is by entering the life of Jesus and becoming part of His story. I believe this statement is true: everybody spends eternity somewhere . So my encouragement to those in the church is to: Be available to those who are unchurched, a friend first and an evangelist second. Be an exceptional listener -to God and to others. Re...

Synergistic - God's Co-Workers

As God’s co-workers we are urged not to receive God’s grace in vain. Our life with God is synergistic! And, when synergistic parts work together, they accomplish more than they could alone. How are you using His grace to you to benefit others? #MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch

Get Ready, Get Set - - - GO!

Most people wait before they act. Some dawdle and even procrastinate. Many wait to proceed until they feel secure and have “all” the facts.  I like this old Chinese proverb:  “ The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."    I’m drawn to folks who appear unstoppable, driven and determined. Maybe these are attributes I wish I had in more abundance. Regardless, unstoppable people started last year. They started five years ago before they even knew what they were doing and before they had any money and answers. They started when no one else believed in them. The only permission they needed was the voice inside  prompting them to move forward, and they moved. Consider, God often expresses Himself through us, but if we’re not moving, not acting, not responding, we aren’t allowing Him to use us. What’s God prompting you to do? #MetoLifeChurch #minmchurch

Being Mad in America

#MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch I'm just mad about Saffron  & I think she’s mad about me. Seriously, everybody seems to be mad and PO’d about something, it’s as if we’ve made it an obsession to be constantly irked. This can’t be good for our physical or spiritual health. According to,  chronic anger can increase our heart attack and stroke risk. It can also   weaken our immune system. Unfettered anger  tends to lock us into a single way of thinking; it produces single-mindedness and decreases meaningful conversation.  I like what Stephen Hawking wrote about being mad and angry: “People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining” If y ou're perpetually annoyed and seething, if complaining is a major part of your written and oral conversations,  I want to pray with and for you: Father, Don't let even one rotten word seep out of our mouths. Instead, we commit to offer only fresh words that build others up. Teach u...

The Lines of My Life

It’s easy to feel like our life is a mess. It can also be way too easy to lose optimism, direction and tranquility as we launch another week deeper into the New Year. But change has come into our world. We celebrated that on Christmas. Remember, again, that Christ overcame the chaos of this world … and He wants to make something beautiful out of our lives - He wants to make our lives a masterpiece of His love, the product of His hand, heaven's poetry etched [into our] lives … to accomplish the good works He arranged long ago. Peace be with you as you accelerate into January…pkes #MetroLifeChurch  #minmchurch