
Showing posts from June, 2018

Giving Back

Believing that all people are created in God’s image, we willingly support local and global initiatives that serve those in need, the marginalized and the vulnerable.   Your giving + our time = our ability to serve in our local communities while also contributing financially to the work of partner agencies who intentionally demonstrate Jesus’ love through action. Giving online is simple and secure. Click on the Donate  button below to make a one-time or recurring donation by credit card or electronic check. Ministry in Motion.Church   All gifts are tax-deductible and a year-end giving statement is prepared and sent, the end of each January.  Ministry in Motion is a Texas Nonprofit Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) corporation under the  US Internal Revenue Service Code.

What If We Were Formed By The Beatitudes?

T he Beatitudes describe the ideal disciple and his rewards, both present and future. The person whom Jesus describes in these passages has a different quality of character and lifestyle than those still 'outside the kingdom.' Sometimes it's even different from those who subscribe to being 'inside the kingdom.' P icture Jesus, on a hill, a small mount, facing the Sea of Galilee, near the town of Capernaum. Here the eight Beatitudes, with a final blessing, are recorded, for all posterity, in Matthew's Gospel, chapter 5, versus   3-11.   W hen Jesus, Yeshua, had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. A s I read and re-read these wise words of antiquity, I'm thoroughly convinced that the Beatitude attitudes are missing from many of the contemporary evangelical churches in America. So I asked myself, what might happen if we be...

When Silence Creeps You Out

How many times have we been excited to tell a story to someone, to express an excitement or a share an aha moment, only for it to fall on deaf ears?   “... All who have ears to hear, let them listen…” Essentially Jesus is saying: Listen up! Pay close attention! The Greek Scriptures record this phrase,   "He who has ears to hear, let him hear"   seven times , each time from the lips of the Christ. Although we hear with our ears, many of us don’t necessarily listen to what is being said.   Whether we’re communicating with a significant other, family members, a colleague or friend, everyone wants to feel heard . And if we’re in conflict—when emotions are inflamed, it’s easy for understanding to be compromised, agreements to seem impossible and hearing to be all but lost. When we don’t hear we’ll,   when we are reacting too quickly or   judging, or providing solutions, even disagreeing, we become less of a   a good sounding board an...

The Love of God

Love encompasses a variety of emotional and mental states, from the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest of pleasures. The disciple John wrote more about love than any other biblical author. In his  first epistle he penned: “ …God is love. Anyone who lives faithfully in love also lives faithfully in God, and God lives in him…” Richard Rohr said: “We are born out of love, we exist in love, and we are destined for eternal love. . . . It is time to reinvent ourselves in love."   Love is an attribute of God, a core aspect of His character. While I find this a bit incomprehensible, it does beg the the question: Is God an impersonal principle or a personal being?  If you believe “God is Love”     do you consider this as a theoretical,  or personal truth?   Share with us on FB , Why or why not?   #MetroLifeChurch    #MinMChurch

Thy Kingdom Come — But Why Not Now?

Quick question. Why would God come at this particular time in history, in Bethlehem during the reign of Caesar Augustus, in the person of Jesus, during the taking of a census? Why not during the Middle Ages? Or during the Great Depression? Or in the midst of the atrocities of WWII?   Why Not Now? Now and Not Yet.  A s Jesus walked along the  shore of the  Sea of Galilee, he said   It’s time! The kingdom of God is near! The God who would not show his face to Moses has shown his face to his people in and as Jesus.   The kingdom has come, according to the text, including this from  Luke 17:21   And the coming of the kingdom is still future according to Mark 13:32   This is all very puzzling.   It confused the Pharisees and Scribes. Baffled Christ’s disciples. It’s dizzying to me.   During the latter half of the twentieth century, scholars came to a consensus about Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom of God. They agreed, a...