
Showing posts from October, 2018

Some Halloween Thoughts

Some Halloween Thoughts "...If you haven’t already guessed, I tend to agree with those who seek to redeem rather than reject Halloween – even though I am understanding of and sympathetic toward those who hold another point of view and would not wish to cause any offense..."  ~  Bruxy Cavey #MinistryinMotion   #MetroLifeChurch  

#Soxtoberfest 2018

We aren't pulling the wool over your eyes!  Clean new socks are good for the soul — new socks change lives.  Each year we stuff hundreds of pairs of tube socks, with bunches of personal care items and yummy snacks,  to share with our brothers and sisters who call the streets of Houston, Texas their home. #Soxtoberfest - it’s a movement we’ve done for a couple of years; It’s fun for our grown-ups and teenagers; Just another way to be the church outside the church ; It’s easy & fun and we laugh a lot. Join us Wednesday October 31st @ 6:30pm as we gather to share a meal, stuff a bunch of socks and enjoy each other's company. If you can’t team up in person, feel free to partner with us electronically. For  a gift of $10 you an help us distribute hundreds of pairs of warm, much needed, stuffed socks. Very Cool! #pkes Donate   All gifts are tax-deductible and a year-end giving statement is prepared and sent, the end of each January. ...


“…O Eternal God of vengeance, O God who sets things right, shine upon us. Rise, O Judge who presides over the earth, and pronounce Your sentence upon the proud. Give them what they deserve! How long, O Eternal One, how long will the guilty revel in their prosperity? …” PS 94:1-3 In the Hebrew Scriptures we read, no less than thirty-two times from Genesis to Nahum, about vengeance and revenge. Yet in the Gospels, in the teachings of Christ, we read time and again about forgiveness. What gives? Did God have a change of heart in the 400 years between Malachi and Matthew? Life offers us plenty of opportunities to feel unforgiving, our stories each hold room to prove this point. The trouble is that a lack of forgiveness does more damage to us than we maybe realize. Forgiveness is not forgetting or walking away from accountability or condoning a hurtful act; it's the process of taking back and healing our lives so we can truly live ~ B Brown When...

Power of the Lamb

Revelation. Lamb Power. Revelation gives us one of the most beautiful and stunning portrayals of Jesus Christ and his Kingdom here and still to come.   The Book, and it’s critique and challenges of the seven churches, reminds us who is really sovereign and who is not.   Let’s draw closer to Jesus & His teachings;  To spiritual practices like scripture study and prayer.   Be part of our interactive study .. #Pkes   #MinistryinMotion    #MetroLifeChurch     #MinMChurch   Map and  Directions

Kingdom of God

In your own words,  can you describe  what the kingdom of God might look like: A new heaven and new earth? A sea that is no more? A Holy City coming down from heaven?   [1] The kingdom of God looks like Jesus!   Jesus healing the sick;   Feeding the poor;   Forgiving the sinner; Giving hope to the hopeless; Raising the spiritually dead. Selah “...behold, the kingdom of God   is in the midst of you…” [ 2] #pkes     #MetroLifeChurch   #MinistyinMotion

💕 Donate

Giving online is simple and secure. Click on the Donate  button below to make a one-time or recurring donation by credit card or electronic check. Ministry in Motion.Church   All gifts are tax-deductible and a year-end giving statement is prepared and sent, the end of each January.  Ministry in Motion is a Texas Nonprofit Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) corporation under the  US Internal Revenue Service Code. #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Book of Revelation

Revelation . Come on. A story about a guy who claims to receive a message from God about the end of the world? A message that includes visions of angels of destruction, seven headed beasts, and rivers of blood? You're not the only one who suspects there's something a little trippy about the last book of the Bible. Some of the early church bishops didn't like Revelation, they thought it was too hard to understand:   Martin Luther said that it was "neither apostolic or prophetic," Thomas Jefferson thought Revelation was, well...too weird, and George Bernard Shaw called it "a peculiar record of the visions..” Let's figure out what’s the deal with Revelation  …#pkes   #MinistryinMotion     #MetroLifeChurch Directions

Retweet - Martyrs

There are some Christian leaders that I look at and think,  "Are they following the same Jesus I am ?" But then I read stories about ancient Christian martyrs, and I wonder,   "Am I following the same Jesus as THEM?"  #pkes @SHoddeMiller @Bruxy @minm_church #MinMChurch #MetroLifeChurch

Can't Tell Ya

Are you holding a close secret? Are you mum on something you're not supposed to tell anyone? If you’re like many folks I’ve met, you’re holding ‘something or other’ pretty close to your vest. And in doing so, as SNL’s Mike Myers would say: “Oh, I'm getting a little verklempt ( farklempt ).   Most stuff is worth sharing, especially with the right person. While sharing personal “stuff” might seem like an invasion of privacy, it’s so worth the “vulnerability hangover”   It’s worth being misunderstood and misrepresented. There’s desirability in discomfort. It's worth the death of your self-image and maybe even your brand. There’s benefit to owning up to what’s inside, no matter how difficult, because as the Psalmist wrote: Hidden things will always come out into the open. Secret things will come to light and be exposed. [1] Secrets bring bondage, sharing brings freedom. Freedom. Here’s what happens when you finally drop the act, when you finally admit tha...

This Is Not The Droid You're Looking For

Let’s have a great conversation,  Wednesday October 3rd @ 7pm,   listening to and learning from each other.  Here’s what’s in store:  One big thing to note from  1 John 4 ,  is: "do not believe in every spirit." Okay? Just because a speaker waxes eloquently about godly things doesn’t mean their from God - you've got to put these folks to the test. The test involves making sure these people and ideas center on the fact that Jesus came in the flesh, ( he was not a android ). He was crucified, died and was buried; that He rose on the third day & ascended into heaven + He will come again. The Apostle John says that lots of false prophets and ‘antichrists’ are peddling some nonsense about Jesus, this is…bad. Very bad. John finishes off the chapter four by saying that if you go around saying that you love God but you're hating on other Christians, then you're just a liar...#pkes Directions #MinMChurch  #MetroLifeChurch ...