Take II - Times of Transition
“For everything there is a season, a time to…” King David’s son Solomon — he was a pretty wise guy — wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes that life is made up of many different seasons. The Lord created and uses different seasons of transition to shape us, help us deal with, and to mold us into who He intended us to be. Positive or slightly negative, these seasons are ways for God to capture our hearts and our faith. Connect with us this Wednesday at 7pm , either in-person or by hitting us up for a Zoom link. Let's chat about our transition and seasons. What can we learn from each other? To get a copy of this week’s Zoom link email us at: office[@]minm.church COVID-19 Update . Masks are not required when we meet in-person . But the CDC still recommends them — the pandemic is not over. My heart’s prayer is that we can meet, being non-judgmental and respectful toward those who have different opinions regarding masks, social distancin...