Why did the Pharisees hate Jesus so much?

Why did the Pharisees hate Jesus so much? The Pharisees were a religious sect that opposed Jesus because they wanted to maintain their own power. I've concluded that Jesus’ radical and revolutionary approach to ministry ruffled the the geopolitical and religious feathers of the day. The Pharisees we’re worried about their religious ideologies being challenged. The Roman occupiers were interested in keeping the Jews quiet and submissive, that n othing good could come from the miracle workers growing popularity. Jesus wasn’t interested in approval or power, as were the Romans and Pharisees. Jesus questioned the way the Pharisees were living and instead taught a higher law, inviting all to come unto Him. He was on an inevitable collision course with the Pharisees and Sadducees. He was always merciful toward the tax collectors and harlots who came to Him; He was their friend. This irked the religious leader...