Prayer - Keep it Simple, #minmchurch
Prayer. God isn't waiting to hear your extravagant words, or multiple adjectives. It’s all about simple prayer and more words aren’t better – better words are better. I’ve learned something as I’ve studied prayer and those who pray. We make it way too complex. I’m a big fan of simple prayer. Unassuming prayers can bring powerful results. The Master’s prayers were usually quit down-to-earth and ours should follow the pattern He set. The complexity of the problem didn’t seem to alter Jesus’ simplicity of manner and it doesn’t need to alter ours. As a matter of fact, Jesus downplayed the importance of words in prayers. Look in the Gospel of Matthew where the Christ said: “…when you pray, do not be as hypocrites who love to pray loudly at synagogue or on street corners…” Mt 6:5 Voice

“Lord, lead me to the ones I need.
And, to the ones who need me.”

#minmchurch #churchpearland