Get Connected. How many friends do you have on Facebook? Your LinkedIn connections total? And, your Twitter followers amount to how many? There's something to be said for being socially connected to friends colleagues and peers. Social media makes this a whole lot easier. In his 2000 book entitled Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam makes the argument that we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and each other - the very fabric of our connections has actually plummeted. He writes this despite the fact that our electronic social media connections can total in the hundreds of hundreds. Very interesting. I believe good, trusting, genuine relationships don't happen by accident or by clicking the "accept” or "like" button. They take time, work and have to be cultivated. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: "The only way to have a friend is to be one.” King Solomon penned this in Proverbs: A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” (Proverbs 18:24 ESV) 
Solomon is telling us that God is the only real friend that can be counted on. Earthly friends may be steadfast; they may with you in the good times and in the not so good. But only God will be there when family is not. So cultivate friends, but get to know God…Pastor Keith #minmchurch #churchpearland