Don't Be That Guy - A Short Story

I had a friend who became a Christian, which I thought was pretty cool--until he stopped conversing with me. And now, he’s only interested in converting me. I lost my friend.
Being able to tell our story of how God’s kingdom and my life intersected is my eye-witness account of a cosmic event that is uniquely mine. It’s the stuff movies are made of: the Creator and me connecting, fusing.
Scripture tells me that I am to always be ready to speak up and tell anyone, humbly and respectfully, why I live a life of hope. Sharing my faith! Oh what could possibly go wrong? Well, if I’m not careful I could pretend I really, really love the person I’m are sharing my saga with when in reality I dismiss the person rather quickly if their hopes and values and beliefs don’t quickly conform to my theology and experiential story. I could end up losing a friend.    
My story, my journey with Christ, needs to be told naturally, organically and not contrived, but with love, stick-to-itiveness, grace and simply and in the context of the world in which I live. That’s pretty cool. Let me tell you about “cheeses”…
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