
Showing posts from 2014

Returning a Gift?

Christmas is over and in many households the ritual of returning gifts has begun. Grandma’s shaggy sweater is just too awful for you to wear. It doesn’t have a designer label. You don’t look good in that color – why would she ever buy that hideous thing?! Now, you find yourself pawing around the once festively wrapped boxes of presents in hopes that there’s a gift receipt so you can return the thoughtful gift for something you really, really need. In ministry, I’ve met people who are like this with God. The coo over the exciting gift so freely given – then after a short time are looking anxiously for the return line. Why? An unthankful heart. We express our ungratefulness with our murmurings, complaining, and grumblings. Yet, we don’t realize that all these comments defame and depreciate the goodness of God. “… People knew God, but they did not honor him as God, and they did not thank him…” Be thankful. Peace…Pastor Keith
“…a child is born, sweet-breathed; a son is given to us: a living gift.  And even now, with tiny features and dewy hair, He is great.  The power of leadership, and the weight of authority, will rest on His shoulders. His name? His name we’ll know in many ways—He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Dear Father everlasting, ever-present never-failing, Master of Wholeness, Prince of Peace…”   Isaiah 9:6 Stepping down from the brilliance and glory of His heavenly throne He wrapped himself in human flesh and entered a dark needy world. Some pretend he doesn’t exist; others fear Him; some loth Him. But there is no escaping the celebration that marks his birth - Merry Christmas…Pastor Keith
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men ” God  gave us three special gifts in the verse. The third gift is good will toward men. This is kind’a deep but oh so simple, yet so awfully difficult. “… peace, among men -- good will…” Think of this verse like this:   I’m going to treat you like you belong to the most high God, the Creator of the universe; I’m going to treat you like you are something special and unique and I ask you do the same with me. Isn’t that the unassuming “golden rule” we learned so long ago as children? Of the three gifts wrapped in this verse from the Gospel of Luke, I think this last gift might be the most difficult for many to open, because to fully appreciate it we are compelled to reconcile our differences with others. Reconciliation is a powerful, holiday miracle cure for broken lives and broken relationships. It defuses conflicts, quiets quarrels & it snaps stress. Reconciliation is the restoration of peace with God...
“Glory to God in the highest , and on earth peace , good will toward men” Our Father gave us three special gifts in the verse. The second gift is peace on earth. Let those three words sink in for a minute. What would bring peace on earth? No military conflicts between countries; No quarreling between political parties? Harmony in the home? So what do you think - what would bring peace on earth? How about peace with God, our maker? Wouldn’t that go along way towards creating peace on earth? As individuals, we have a personal responsibility for peace. Peace from worry. Peace from anger. Peace within ourselves – folks, we are source of most of the unrest in our lives because we are all born with a “peace” problem. The second present given to us is the gift of peace and that gift belongs to you alone. “… For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior…” Will you accept this free gift of peace?...Pastor Keith ...
God has graciously revealed to us in the Bible what the future holds so that we might live out our lives more wisely in light of His plan for humanity. Tonight, 7pm #ministryinmotionusa
“Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” Our Father gave us three special gifts in the verse. First there is the gift of Celebration. “Glory to God in the highest …” This is a phrase that screams party. You can’t say it aloud without it sounding like a celebration. If the angels were reveling in God’s Good News, reading this verse makes me stop and wonder what people are really celebrating this time of year: That they made it through another year? That they got a Christmas bonus? Or, that they are finally done shopping? Think about the last piece of good news you received. Getting good news is worth rejoicing over and that’s exactly what the angels were doing here. It’s worth celebrating that God is with us, Immanuel. I don’t know what challenges or difficulties you are going through right now but I do know that God cares about them, understands them, and He is there with you. You are not alone, and that’s Good News you can use an...
For many people, me included, Thanksgiving kicks off the Christmas season. Decking the halls, putting a wreath on the front door and boughs around the fireplace mantle. I have Christmas carols playing as I write. Why is Christmas such a big deal? It’s the largest celebration around the world. Other holidays get a single day, but it seems Christmas is emphasized for an entire month. When it comes, you can’t miss it, even if you don’t celebrate it. Frankly, you can’t escape it! “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” God gave us three special gifts in the verse. First there is the gift of Celebration. The second present is an invitation for Salvation, like making peace with God. And the third gift is that of Reconciliation, what the world and maybe you desperately need. Over the next three weeks I want to share some thoughts on each Christmas gift. Next week, the gift of Celebration. Peace!...Pastor Keith Vist us on the web: www.ministryinmotionusa.or...
Gobble Gobble From the time the Pilgrim settlers first celebrated their day of giving thanks to President Abraham Lincoln officially setting aside the last Thursday of November “as a day of thanksgiving" we celebrate Thanksgiving as a day to give thanks to God for His gracious and sufficient provisions. The Scriptures, from cover to cover, call on us to live a life of gratitude, not just a day. Living thankfully gives God the credit he deserves, and that's sufficient reason to do it.  We, like the Pilgrims, have a choice. In life there will always be those things that we can complain about (the Pilgrims had lost many loved ones), but there will also be much to be thankful for. What are you thankful for this final Thursday of November?...Pastor Keith
May integrity and uprightness protect me, because my hope, Lord, is in you. Psalm 25 : 21 Integrity. I've been riveted on this word all week. Integrity comes from the word “integer,” which means “unit of one.” Applied to our life integrity isn’t the pieces of the pie; it’s being the whole pie. Integrity shows up in the stuff that nobody sees. Like our life behind the scenes, the minor, the unobserved, the unspectacular choices of life where we do the right thing even though nobody’s ever going to see it. When you do something good, don’t do it in front of others so that they will see you. If you do that, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven. Good advise, because it’s possible to live one life publicly and another life privately. That’s not integrity; it’s an invitation for God’s discipline. Just a Sunday Thought. Peace…Pastor Keith

Mocking God?

Mocking God, who me? Never! To mock God is to pretend to love and serve Him when we do not, or to act in a false manner, to be insincere and hypocritical in our professions. Consider this: Confessing sin without remorse isn’t that mocking God? Could we be mocking God in our prayers, like when we are all formal, rote or fluffy? Or, when we pray for things without thinking about what we say – we just blah blah blah? None of us would ever mock God at the Communion table would we? I think we do, especially when we come to the table of the Lord as a mere matter of form; or, when we come with hostility and aggression in our hearts towards any of our brethren, friends or colleagues. Isn’t that mocking God, too? So let me ask you, how is it with you, are you honest with God? Or is your relationship with Him, well, been a mockery? A heavy Sunday Thought, I know, but peace…Pastor Keith #ministryinmotionusa