to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” Our Father gave us three special gifts in the verse. First there is the
gift of Celebration. “Glory to God in the highest…” This is
a phrase that screams party. You can’t say it aloud without it sounding like a
celebration. If the angels were reveling in God’s Good News, reading this verse
makes me stop and wonder what people are really celebrating this time of year: That
they made it through another year? That they got a Christmas bonus? Or, that
they are finally done shopping? Think about the last piece of good news you
received. Getting good news is worth rejoicing over and that’s exactly what the
angels were doing here. It’s worth celebrating that God is with us, Immanuel. I
don’t know what challenges or difficulties you are going through right now but
I do know that God cares about them, understands them, and He is there with
you. You are not alone, and that’s Good News you can use and it’s worth
celebrating…Pastor Keith