Dug the Dog
“…Let your eyes look directly forward, and
your gaze be straight before you…” Proverbs
So many people
begin a walk with God, but as they go on their way they become like Doug the Dog
from the movie Up. Squirrel! Distractions. Some folks never grow in the things
of God because of these distractions - consider three: First, a backwards
relationship with God - desiring
a blessing from God, more than desiring to bless God. This diversion is easy to
fall into because of distraction number two, the trio of me, myself and I. We
are, by nature, bent towards being selfish and sort of sinful. There is a
constant battle between our flesh and our spiritual self, desiring to serve self
instead of God. The third distraction? This one might come as a surprise,
especially coming from a pastor. It’s church and religion. Sometimes we pursue
church, but forget to pursue God. The institution of church doesn’t do this
intentionally, but we can be so busy “doing church” that we let the religious organization
hinder our relationship with God. The solutions, the remedy, for all three
distractions, ignore the squirrel & stay focused. Easier said than done,
sometimes. Keep vigilant watch over your heart; Keep your eyes straight ahead; Watch
your step; focus your focus to
keep yourself from becoming distracted. Just a Sunday Thought…Pastor Keith #ministryinmotionusa
@minm_church #MinistryinMotionChurch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrAIGLkSMls
@minm_church #MinistryinMotionChurch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrAIGLkSMls