Have you ever muttered, I need to change? Henry David Thoreau wrote: "Things do not change, we do." Most people, if asked, would say they prefer not to change. Seriously, change can difficult! Former president John F. Kennedy said: "Change is the law of life..." It's going to happen. A lot of times we think we're waiting on God to change us. Not necessarily. There's a better chance God is waiting on you to change. He's waiting on you to say, Yes, Lord, I'm willing to make the revisions You think are necessary. Frankly, good Godly change requires a choice - it requires new thinking, like asking God: Are my ways your ways, Lord? If asked in sincerity, and with resolve, the Holy Spirit will show you the modifications that are needed in your life ... and help you make them. He'll help you make changes that are far beyond anything you thought or dreamed possible. Real change, radical Godly change, may not necessarily happen overnight. Be patient, it's a process; There are no real shortcuts. God does grant instantaneous change, but more often He leads us through a process that requires obedience, faith, discipline and, gulp...time. Shalom...Pastor Keith

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