
Showing posts from August, 2015

Ministry in motion

TY Reanea and the fine folks @ Ministry in Motion -

En Garde

En Garde . My Aunt Gin ( Virginia )  fenced when she was in college.   As a kid I remember her showing me her sword fighting regalia: foil, mask, plastron and lame. I always thought it would be cool to learn to fence …I never did. In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus essentially tells us to be En Garde - we are to “ watch and  pray .” The word watch in this verse means to have the alertness of a guard at night, to be on guard. We are warned that we can be too easily distracted by the temptations of the world; that we could easily be ensnared if we don’t practice some self-control. Today, be on-guard, watch and pray, be vigilant and be aware of the schemes of the enemy. Peace…Pastor Keith #minmchurch   #churchpearland


Get Connected. How many friends do you have on Facebook ? Your LinkedIn connections total? And, your Twitter followers amount to how many? There's something to be said for being socially connected to friends colleagues and peers. Social media makes this a whole lot easier. In his 2000 book entitled Bowling Alone , Robert Putnam makes the argument that we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and each other - the very fabric of our connections has actually plummeted. He writes this despite the fact that our electronic social media connections can total in the hundreds of hundreds. Very interesting. I believe good, trusting, genuine relationships don't happen by accident or by clicking the "accept” or "like" button. They take time, work and have to be cultivated. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: " The only way to have a friend is to be one .” King Solomon penned this in Proverbs:  “ A man of many companions may c...


Gratitude - thank you God. Maybe you're feeling sort'a blah about life right now. Perhaps life is dealing you lemons . Either way, you might be thinking,  what do I have to be grateful for?   Well, literally everything. But often times we don't slow down enough to recognize our blessings and say thanx. Gratitude , requires a conscious choice. I choose to be grateful even when my emotions, feelings and circumstances say otherwise. The Rev Billy Graham wrote:  " God for all His blessings should be one of the most distinctive marks of the believer...We must not allow a spirit of ingratitude to harden our heart and chill our relationship with God and with others...Nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart..." Take the advice from the psalmist who penned: “…Let them give thanks to the Lord for his love and for the miracles he does for people...”  #minmchurc...

Amazing Grace - Wasted Grace

Amazing Grace , Wasted Grace. “…God’s grace has made me what I am, and his grace to me was not wasted…”   Author, Philip Yancey wrote: “ Knocked flat on the ground on the way to Damascus, Paul never recovered from the impact of grace”   Paul made a point to tell us that the free gift of grace he received while on the Road was not wasted. Check this out for yourself – Grace so influenced Paul that the word appears no later than the second sentence, or so, in every one of Paul’s epistles to the early churches. How is it that we waste grace? Good question, short answer - many times we want to go to heaven by God’s grace , but we don’t want to be made holy by that same grace.  #minmchurch #churchpearland

Ministry in motion

TY to all who ministered at chapel service at the Star of Hope, 1811 Ruiz St, Houston, TX 77002 (713) 227-8900 in song, prayer and with an encouraging word from 1 Corinthians 15:10, were the Apostle Paul writes: "...God’s grace has made me what I am, and his grace to me was not wasted..." Pastor Keith  ‪ #‎ gathergrowgo‬   #minmchurch