Get Connected. How many friends do you have on Facebook ? Your LinkedIn connections total? And, your Twitter followers amount to how many? There's something to be said for being socially connected to friends colleagues and peers. Social media makes this a whole lot easier. In his 2000 book entitled Bowling Alone , Robert Putnam makes the argument that we have become increasingly disconnected from family, friends, neighbors, and each other - the very fabric of our connections has actually plummeted. He writes this despite the fact that our electronic social media connections can total in the hundreds of hundreds. Very interesting. I believe good, trusting, genuine relationships don't happen by accident or by clicking the "accept” or "like" button. They take time, work and have to be cultivated. Ralph Waldo Emerson said: " The only way to have a friend is to be one .” King Solomon penned this in Proverbs: “ A man of many companions may c...