
Showing posts from June, 2016

It's easier to wear a cross than to carry one

Leo Tolstoy said, “The Jew … is the embodiment of eternity.” My wife is Jewish. She’s taught me a lot about basic Judaism, about doing, about hoping, about being benevolent (Mitzvah) and oy-vey about eating and laughing - we do laugh, a lot. But I also learned from her that her people, ostensibly, don’t pursue new converts. They welcome newcomers to the faith, but they’re not all about recruiting. Conversely, Christians are urged by the Scriptures to  "go and make disciples" and for the most part, the Christian community is not very good at it. Most believers want to make converts, but making disciples is harder.   Making a disciple requires a continuous process of leading, following, learning and doing. Continuous, the word denotes effort, commitment and resiliency. It’s way easier to wear a cross than it is to carry one. Think about that before you go and make… #minmchurch #MetroLifeChurch #churchpearland @minmchurch

Oh Lord It’s Hard To Be Humble

Humility can be such a pious word. “..Oh Lord it's hard to be humble, when you're perfect in every way..” Zany lyrics from the 1980’s song by Mac Davis caused me to think and wonder - is it possible to overestimate the value of true humility?  Confucius once defined humility as “the solid foundation of all virtues”. Maybe humility isn’t about thinking less of yourself, but as C.S. Lewis once put it, “thinking of yourself less.” So i s authentic humility even possible? Consider this. "..And what does the Lord require of do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.."   Genuine humility might very well be the willingness to be obedient to the will of the Father, "not My will, but Yours be done" , regardless of personal conviction, opinion or cost. Do you do what it takes to fulfill this definition of humility? I like what attorney and author @bobgoff Tweeted: "Humble people dazzle God" It's easier...

Star of Hope - Families

@MertonDaily "All Christian life is meant to be at the same time profoundly contemplative and rich in active work."  Strangers are only family you have yet to know. Please help us help families at the Star of Hope. Click Here  Complete the form and I'll send you details on how you can help us help the  Star of Hope Women & Family Emergency Center   TY...Pastor Keith #minmchurch #metrolifechurch #churchpearland


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I wish the only fear I had in my life were one of the Cubs failing to "win it all". As an ardent Cubs fan it’s something that is permanently embedded in my mind, the June swoon, the inevitable collapse. It’s the dreaded fear always looming in the back of my brain, the cave in is coming - I'm a Chicago Cubs #cubs fan. <@> There's actually a lot we could potentially worry about and fear. There’s so much craziness going on in the world around us today. But Fear, it’s a complex emotion and it’s one of the enemy’s most popular and potent weapons – he uses it to derail and unnerve us.  Living under the weight of the "what if's" is a hard place to dwell. I like what Max Lucado had to say: “ The presence of fear does not mean you have no faith. Fear visits everyone. But [resolve to] make your fear a visitor and not a resident”. All of the stuff on your mind, right now as you read this?  Give it to Him – again. Be Strong and Courag...