I wish the only fear I had in my life were one of the Cubs failing to "win it all". As an ardent Cubs fan it’s something that is permanently embedded in my mind, the June swoon, the inevitable collapse. It’s the dreaded fear always looming in the back of my brain, the cave in is coming - I'm a Chicago Cubs #cubs fan.

There's actually a lot we could potentially worry about and fear. There’s so much craziness going on in the world around us today. But Fear, it’s a complex emotion and it’s one of the enemy’s most popular and potent weapons – he uses it to derail and unnerve us.  Living under the weight of the "what if's" is a hard place to dwell. I like what Max Lucado had to say: “The presence of fear does not mean you have no faith. Fear visits everyone. But [resolve to] make your fear a visitor and not a resident”. All of the stuff on your mind, right now as you read this?  Give it to Him – again. Be Strong and Courageous & may His peace be with you…pkes

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