
Showing posts from August, 2016

What Makes You Happy?

Everyone wants to be happy. But how exactly does one go about it? Better yet, once you find happiness, how do you keep it? I bet you’ve come across people who are always upbeat, rolling with the punches and seemingly on top of their game no matter what life throws at them. Possibly they have a secret formula or maybe they’ve simply tapped into something bigger and deeper than themselves. From #CSLewis: “Human history…the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God which will make him happy." While walking with God, what do high-spirited people do to excel at happiness? Maybe they have a better attitude and understanding of gratitude, call it #happytude . <&> Possibly happy folks have a handle on the concept of giving back to community, whether in time, talent or trea$ure$. <&> I think content happy people know how to laugh. I’ve read that when you laugh you release a hormone called oxytocin – it uplifts, especially when the laughter i...


What defines your church or synagogue? Maybe worship, inspirational sermons, speeches or stunning homilies? I hear, for example, the church on the north side of town really reaches tons of millennials. Still another has a wonderful food pantry. Some places of worship offer dynamic children's program, so good it almost absolves the parents from spiritual training. Convenient times of service are important, allowing families time to do, well, family stuff. Cool! Ignatius of Loyola wrote: "If our church is not marked by caring for the poor, the oppressed, the hungry, we are guilty of heresy. ” Heresy. When I hear that word I have images of Monte Python, medieval torture chambers and gothic inquisitions. Paul, Saul of Tarsus, wrote to the church at Philippi saying: "...come together as one in mind and spirit and purpose, sharing in the same love...Don’t let…prideful agendas take over. Embrace true humility...extend love to others" So what’s your ho...

That's Not Fair!

#MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch The promotion you didn't get; the bad news from the doctor; the dreaded phone call late at night; shattered dreams. We've all experienced the sentiment of "it not being fair.” Sometimes things in life appear unfair, from a human point of view. Matthew wrote in his Gospel: "...He [God] causes the sun to rise on good people and on evil people, and he sends rain to those who do right and to those who do wrong..." So even in my hyper-vigilant Christian walk it's likely I'm going to get wet - a little rain is going to fall.   God's definition of fair and unfair is way beyond my pay grade and understanding, so much so that I have no real jurisdiction to evaluate His actions and will. I can know Him, but I can’t always know His ways. Concerning fairness, well maybe we aren't subject to His standard of fairness as we define it. Sometimes a form of inconvenience, even pain, is the only way we will loosen our...

If I Only Had A Heart

How can you mend a broken heart? / How can you stop the rain falling down? We've all been there with our broken, fractured hearts. We limp along, wondering how we ended up here and if we'll ever make it to the other side of the pain.    A broken heart is one of those experiences we all share, yet we weren’t meant to experience it alone. David, a man after God’s own heart, suffered many heartbreaking circumstances. Each time, he recovered and was made an even stronger man of God. He wrote in Psalm 34: “ The Lord is near to the brokenhearted…” So how do you mend a broken heart? The son of Jesse’s remedy for dealing with a broken heart was to worship. “ So David arose from the ground, washed, anointed himself, and changed his garments. Then he entered the house of the Lord and worshipped” I like what Oswald Chamber wrote: “ Leave the broken, irreversible past in God’s hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.” May the peace and lo...