What Makes You Happy?
Everyone wants to be happy. But how exactly
does one go about it? Better yet, once you find happiness, how do you keep it?
I bet you’ve come across people who are always upbeat, rolling with the punches
and seemingly on top of their game no matter what life throws at them. Possibly
they have a secret formula or maybe they’ve simply tapped into something bigger
and deeper than themselves. From #CSLewis: “Human
history…the long terrible story of man trying to find something other than God
which will make him happy." While walking with God, what do
high-spirited people do to excel at happiness? Maybe they have a
better attitude and understanding of gratitude, call it #happytude. <&> Possibly happy
folks have a handle on the concept of giving back to community, whether in
time, talent or trea$ure$. <&> I think content happy people know how
to laugh. I’ve read that when you laugh you release a hormone called oxytocin –
it uplifts, especially when the laughter is shared with others. Martin Luther
wrote: “It is pleasing to God whenever you rejoice or laugh, from the bottom of
thy heart.” <&> Happy,
joyful people don’t spend large amounts of time alone – they engage and forge
new relationships; they bond and become part of a network; they plug in. When
we learn to put these ideas into practice, we enter the world of happiness. Try it! Shalom…Pastor Keith
#MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch #happytude