
Showing posts from March, 2017

Being the Church Outside the Church

Ministry in Motion/MetroLifeChurch - Being the Church Outside the Church:  Open Hearts, Bended Knees and Willing Hands in our community.  # MetroLifeChurchTX   # minmchurch

Disciple & Pilgrim...

                                      #pilgrimcross #MetroLifeChurchTX Two biblical designations  for  people of faith:  disciple and pilgrim... we must be both.

Lenten Reality Check

I’m having lunch with a friend of mine. He takes a big bite of his Friday lunch special, pauses, swallows and gasps - Oh crap, I forgot I gave up meat for lent! He shrugs his shoulders and finishes his meal, muttering, I think I gave up French fries too… I love this quote by Pastor Bruxy Cavey : "Giving up...stuff is not the ticket to heaven. It is the coming and following Jesus—that's where we receive the gift of grace." The Apostle Paul said it like this: Since we have been  acquitted and  made right through faith, we are able to experience  true and lasting  peace with God through… Jesus…[He] leads us into a place of  radical  grace where we are able to celebrate the hope of experiencing God’s glory.  God's radical grace: -        Something gotten, but something given; -        A gospel-transformed, character refined heart; -        Not just forgivene...

The Afterlife

#MetroLifeChurchTx #minmchurch The Gospel must not be reduced to afterlife issues. It should shed light on and inform us of our flaws our blame and our need for forgiveness though the Christ...

Lent 2017

When I was young, we practiced Lent. As I “matured” in the church I stopped practicing Lent because it was assumed to be a "dead tradition" and because I couldn't find a proof text for it in Scripture. Now I realize that Lent is not a tradition for tradition's sake, it’s about my focus on Christ, Easter and the hope of the resurrection - not the hope of human perfection but a life in God that overshadows my own. Practicing #Lent2017 presents a serious challenge, especially in today’s culture, which is so often overconfident and riddled with self. Yet, Lent bids us to allow the Spirit to search our hearts to see if there’s any flawed and twisted way present, then to look to a loving God for forgiveness, transformation and blessing. I pray your time spent in the Lenten journey will lead you towards God’s peace and love. Shalom ...pkes #Lent2017 #MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch