Lenten Reality Check
having lunch with a friend of mine. He takes a big bite of his Friday lunch
special, pauses, swallows and gasps - Oh crap, I forgot I gave up meat for
lent! He shrugs his shoulders and finishes his meal, muttering, I think I gave
up French fries too…
love this quote by Pastor Bruxy Cavey:
"Giving up...stuff is not the ticket to heaven. It is the coming and
following Jesus—that's where we receive the gift of grace." The
Apostle Paul said it like this:
Since we have been acquitted
and made right through faith, we are able to experience true and lasting peace with God
through… Jesus…[He] leads us into a place of radical grace where we are able to celebrate the hope of
experiencing God’s glory. God's radical grace:
gotten, but something given;
- A gospel-transformed, character
refined heart;
just forgiveness - forgiveness fueled by surrender;
God’s radical grace is like a voice calling from heaven that summons us to
change and then gives us the power to pull it off. May grace and peace from God
surround you as we venture deeper into Lent…Pkes #GodsRadicalGrace #LentenRealityCheck