
Showing posts from October, 2017

Halloween or All Hallows Eve

All Hallows Eve or Halloween as we call it in America has a significant place in church history. Do you know why? It goes far beyond the evangelical’s dilemma of handing out candy to   tricks and treaters. All Saints Day and the day before, All Hallows Eve, is celebrated by some Christians and looked down upon by others. The earliest observance of the holiday was recorded in the early fourth-century.  Regardless of weather you engage in All Saints Day or not, five-hundred years ago on All Hallows Eve Martin Luther nailed his Theses to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Luther was proposing a theological debate, but what he got was a theological rebellion, or maybe it was a revival. In either case, Prof Luther unknowingly perpetrated one of the most pivotal movements in church history: The Protestant Reformation . The Reformation started a religious campaign aimed at refining the Catholic Church. However the results were much more monumental, the found...

The Human Race

Humanity should be our race;  Love  should  be our  religion; This would be so like Jesus.... #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch


#MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch Do you realize that Jesus is never surprised by the outrageous, imperfect things people do, you and I included?   Picture this: Jesus meets some religious highbrows who tell Him a woman, that woman right there, was mixed-up in a sexual liaison. The scholarly are looking to stone her and they try to draw Christ into their debate. Thoughtfully,  perceptively, compassionately he draws close to her and asks: “where are your accusers...?” They had all split, taken off, left. In a voice, birthed in heaven, he says: " Well, I do not condemn you either; all I ask is that you go and from now on avoid the sins that plague you." Truth be told, we all have a sundry of private struggles and skeletons in our closet - you have yours, I have mine. In my contemplative quiet times I’ve asked myself, what kind of Disciple am I if I can’t get somethings right, even after 35 years of walking intently with God?  Then it dawns on me. What...

Trouble in Jerusalem

MINISTRY IN MOTION/METRO LIFE CHURCH Being The Church Outside The Church Our Current Study Series: Book of Acts The true gospel was becoming clear as the church spread and developed. With what happened in Joppa, gentiles being grafted into the God's people, the church was being built from both the inside, the Jewish community, and from the outside, the non-Jews; The message of Jesus was now for  all  people of  all  time.  But controversy is Jerusalem.  #MinMChurch #MetroLifeChurch The Jerusalem church to Peter: Acts 11:3  Why did you violate divine law by  associating with outsiders and  sitting at the table with them for a meal?  This is an outrage! Join us   Wednesday October 18th @ 7pm < Directions >

It Appears Our Hypocrisy Knows No Bounds

In the Scriptures, the Christ criticizes hypocrisy more than anything else. I find it pretty cool that Jesus was never really upset with sinners, he tells them to go and sin no more. But for folks who pretend they are not sinners, the hypocrites,  he has some fairly harsh words:   “...Don’t pick on people, jump on their failures,  criticize their faults— unless,  of course, you want the same treatment.  That critical spirit has a way of boomeranging...” #MetroLifeChuch #MinMChurch


Follow us on Twitter @minm_church Always Respectful            Usually Insightful              Sometimes Provocative Occasionally Incendiary @minm_church #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Actions Have Consequences

#MinMChurch #MetroLifeChurch October 11th, 6:30 pm  The book is called the "Acts of the Apostles".  Not the "Ideas of the Apostles"  Nor the "Theology of the Apostles".  It's the activism of the Apostles.   This week we meet as a community to discuss the story of Ananias and Sapphira, from Acts chapter 5. There’s no denying that the passage depicts the death of this couple as a divine judgment. In his mercy, God usually strives with people to protect them from death and the repercussions of their sin.  However…this storied couple went down a road with tragic consequences. We’re a Community who gathers each Wednesday night.  A church for those who aren’t into church. A bastion of grace.  A spot for truthful reflection & an interactive study. Map & Directions to  Ministry in Motion/MetroLifeChurch

Get Your Tickets Now!

Jesus told us to go into all the world and make disciples . So we Christians share the the gospel saying “have you asked Jesus into your heart”? This is an over simplified gospel, an evacuation proclamation, designed to take you to heaven and escape the doom. This isn’t a risky sharing of the Good News, it’s safe and comfortable. But what we should be saying is re-think your life, repent, then believe in the Jesus way of doing things: care for the least of these; Take up your cross daily; Love God and love others; practice the Beatitudes ...This gospel is deeper, more complete, but more demanding. As Thomas Merton put it, we're not sharing “ invitation to escape into a private heaven...[but] a call to transfigure... [a] stricken world.”  Ignoring the deep we continue to share   the shallower gospel of Jesus dying to take you to heaven. We proclaim Jesus as the heavenly conductor who is handing out tickets to heaven as opposed to the carpenter who repairs, ren...

A Lot is Happening in the News

Give love and kindness and grace   away as if you were made of it. Kyrie, eléison Christe, eléison #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Saul Ambushed!

The Lord is calling Saul for a particular task in Acts 9. The person charged with getting the message out to those outside the law of Moses, those in the heathen and pagan world, is none other than a hardline, fanatical, ultra-nationalist, super orthodox Pharisaic Jew, the unlikely candidate, Saul. Who says that God doesn’t have a sense of humor?! We’re a diverse Community who gathers  each  Wednesday at 6:30pm .  A church for those who aren’t into church.  A bastion of grace.  A spot for truthful reflection & a highly interactive study. < Click for Map and Directions  > #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Taking a Knee...In Prayer

Almighty and everlasting God, you are always more ready to hear than we to pray, and to give more than we either desire or deserve: Pour upon us the abundance of your mercy, forgiving us those things of which our conscience is afraid, and giving us those good things for which we are not worthy to ask, except through the merits and mediation of JesusChrist our Savior; who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.  Proper 22 - #BookofCommonPrayer #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch