Do Dogs Really Like Hugs?

Do dogs really like hugs? The short answer, and according to veterinary specialists is, not really. Hugs are for humans. “…For everything that happens in life—there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven…a time for a warm embrace [a hug]…” Almost nothing in the world is better than a "proper" hug! 
I grew up in a home where hugs were sort’a rationed, especially by my dad. We didn’t hug, we shook hands. As an older adult my mom and dad came to visit. After a week of sharing time and space with my parents I took them to the airport, they were headed back home. As we said our goodbyes my father extended his hand. I took it, pulled him close and gave him a “proper” man hug. He was shocked. Speechless. His eyes welled with a tear or two. We embraced on the concourse, near departures. It was a special moment. 
I think we were made to let people know we care, and with a hug we can show our compassion, our concern, our love. Hugs boost happiness levels, both to the recipient and the giver. And the super cool thing about heartfelt hugs - we don’t even have to open our mouth, struggle for the right word or utter a sentence. Whether you’re wrapped up in the arms of your partner or sharing time with a friend, there’s a right time for a warm embrace. 

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