
Showing posts from December, 2017

It's Not Just The Thought That Counts!

Lord, as I look to the New Year please don’t let me forget - - T hat accomplishments  come in the doing, not just the planning;  T hat what’s easy doesn’t always last;  T hat no step taken in faith in you is wasted;  T hat no one will be remembered for what they planned.  As I move into 2018 may I be rooted in being present, not perfect;  by what I’ve done for others and by how well I have loved.  Amen .. . #pkes #MinMChurch #MetroLifeChurch


Serving and Giving Back to our Community.  Follow our comings and goings on Instagram #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Bon Voyage, Paul

The circumstances of  Paul's Voyage to Rome  were far different than for his earlier travels and missionary journeys. Before, he was a free man; this time he travels was a prisoner of the Romans. After Paul's arrival in Jerusalem at the end of his Third Missionary Journey, he became involved in a serious conflict with some "Asian Jews". The conflict eventually led to Paul's arrest by the Romans and imprisonment in Caesarea for two years.  Paul sets sailed for Rome where he was to stand trial for his alleged crimes.   Join us Wednesday December 27th @ 7pm as we dig into Paul's story and see how his  experiences may very well be similar to the storms and trials we face today.  Directions to Ministry in Motion/MetroLife Church #MetroLifeChurch #MinmChurch

Fall on Your Knees

🎶    A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices For yonder breaks a new glorious morn Fall on your knees O hear the angels' voices O night divine O night when Christ was born O night divine o night   🎶 O night divine, when God throws open the door of this world, And He joins humanity & enters as a baby, Born in a stable while wrapped in swaddling clothes, Lying in a manger - an utterly vulnerable image. Why ? Because He wants unimaginable intimacy with us. Merry Christmas... #pkes #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Peace on Earth - We Need It Now

“If we are to have peace on earth , our loyalties must transcend our race, our tribe, our class, and our nation; and this means we must develop a world perspective.” *   Christmas is marked by anticipation for what is now and to come. ‘God with us,’ here, now, and present and to return, yet again. He, Emmanuel brings peace - peace of mind and heart!, not a fragile peace like the world gives. Each one of us has to find his peace from within. To be real, peace must be unaffected by outside circumstances.  Mull this over: If you yourself are at peace, then there is at least some peace on earth. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that true peace is not the absence of conflict, but rather it’s love going through conflict(s).   May you find rest, comfort, and hope and peace as you move into Christmas Day and   into the New Year - know that you are not alone, that you are loved …  #pkes   Peace on Earth: Casting Crowns U2 - Peace on Earth * #MLK #MetroLi...

Mary Did You Know?

“…Mary, don’t be afraid. You have found favor with God…you are going to become pregnant. You will have a son, and you must name Him “Savior,” or Jesus… I am the Lord's servant. [Mary replied] May it be to me as you have said."   My soul lifts up the Lord! My spirit celebrates God, my Liberator! Often a work of God comes with two edges, great joy and great pain. In Mary’s story she embraced both. Her example should be a lesson for us: Wasn’t she the first person to accept Jesus on his own terms regardless of personal cost? #pkes #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Christmas Stockings Stuff a Sock, Warm a Heart

The holidays are a time for giving and showing our Christ-like love for all of humanity. Helping the homeless is nothing new for Ministry in Motion, we take to heart that “ following Jesus is as much, or maybe even more, about being his hands & feet as it is about ears and eyes and Biblical intellect.” #pkes   This year our stuffed stockings include: socks, toothbrush, toothpaste, bandaids, Kleenex, soap, razors and lip balm, along with cookies and snacks. Please join us Wednesday night, December 20th @ 6:30pm  as we share a meal, then stuff a sock to warm a heart. Directions  to Ministry in Motion

Tensions of Advent

Joy to the world The Lord has come Let earth receive her King Let every heart prepare Him room… 🎶 It’s easy to associate joy with the Christmas season. The uplifting music, sparkling decorations, and all the great food - it’s the holidays. But it’s the remembrance of Christ coming to earth that really makes for “tidings of great joy” That was the message of the angels to the shepherds, remembered this third Sunday of Advent, a devotion to the theme of joy.  When we remember the Christmas story, when we navigate the rhythms of Advent, it’s impossible to do so without paying at least some attention to the strains of the season too.   In Charle’s Dickens’ Christmas Carol, Scrooge wrestled with his own tensions. To overcome, he was given three nocturnal specters to help him embrace and see beyond his own uncertainties, to the joys of Christmas. We have a spirit too, the Holy Ghost, to helps move beyond the real and perceived tensions of Advent. Will you let God...

Advent Love

Advent, the shared practice of exploring the themes of hope, love,  joy and peace, all   functioning as a forerunner to the arrival of Jesus.   This Advent, I encourage you to remember the God of love in your past - see how He's kept you close, feel his heartbeat;  See His love in the present - get past the white noise of our society, Notice His hand on your shoulder?   And, recognize this second week of Advent that the kingdom of God’s love is both now and to come.   Ask of the Father: If I say I’m made in your image, is love the reason for my existence? #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch #pkes

Serving Others / Giving Back

Showing Love in our community through  Open Hearts and Willing Hands. Ministry in Motion.Church Giving online is simple and secure. Click on the 'Donate' button above to make a one-time or recurring donation by credit card or electronic check. All gifts are tax-deductible and a year-end giving statement is prepared and sent, the end of each January.  Ministry in Motion is a Texas Nonprofit Tax Exempt 501(c)(3) corporation under the US Internal Revenue Service Code. #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Oy Vey - Who Knew?

We at Ministry in Motion wish our Jewish friends and colleagues a Chag Urim Sameach   (a Happy Hanukkah) and a joyful and illuminated holiday season... Enjoy the video. It's informative, cute and funny.  The amusing quiz will keep you on your toes.  And, a Hanukiah as opposed to a Menorah, who knew?

Star of Hope Outreach - Fear Not

Star of Hope Outreach - Being the Church Outside the Church Wednesday December 6th, 7pm.  Pastor Keith's message: Fear Not .  Being fearless doesn’t mean eliminating  fear  it means  knowing how to leverage it and what to do with it. #MetroLifeChurch #MinMChurch

Life Interrupted

Today marks the beginning of Advent, the four-week season of anticipation that guides us into the celebration of Christmas. Advent is a time for telling the story of how Jesus Christ fulfilled the story of Israel waiting for Messiah: “… Come, O Come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel …” Every year we tell the Christmas story, again, because we need to immerse ourselves in the story of Hope, Love, Joy and Peace - Emmanuel, God with us.  I’ve come to really appreciate Advent as more than a season in the liturgical year; than a time of Christmas music after Thanksgiving. More than sentimental fluffiness or the lightning a colored candles on a horizontal wreath. Advent is the time where we press into the Eternal with an expectation of Him breaking through and interrupting our lives. In the birth of the baby, in Bethlehem, we find the essential of every human hope and every earthly fear. What the poets and prophets hoped and prayed for, and what the principalities and powers ...