Faith, Doubt and Certainty

George MacDonald was a Scottish author, poet and Christian minister. He was a mentor of fellow writer Lewis Carroll. Listen to this quote by MacDonald:
Do you love your faith so little that you have never battled a single fear lest your faith should not be true? 
Where there are no doubts, no questions, no perplexities, there can be no growth.
Part of my personal story over the past seven years involves my own journey away from sub-standard certitude and moving towards a more authentic faith. Certainty is a poor substitute for authentic faith. Certitude is popular; it’s popular because it’s easy. It's easy…until it’s not.

From time to time we have to wrestle with questions, with doubt to arrive at real faith. Certainty can’t be bothered with all that. Real faith makes room for doubt and questions. Real faith gives us space to work out our salvation — understanding that the effort to believe is the very thing that makes doubt possible. Real faith is not afraid of doubt, but the faux faith of certitude is afraid of its own shadow.
Join us Wednesday October 16th @ 7pm 
as we dive headlong into faith, doubt and certainty...
#Pkes #MetroLifeChurch #MinistryinMotion