

You are never too old to set another goal or

 to dream a new dream” CS Lewis

Dreams    the stories the brain tells us. Images and sometimes very real sensations created by our mind while we sleep. At times, dreams can resemble simply waking through life as they draw from our experiences. Or they can be extremely vivid, wild, super surreal, birthed from who knows where. Never can we anticipate the beauty or the oddities of our dreams.
Does God use dreams and visions today? 
Is all that is to be revealed by our Creator been revealed?

Please join us Wednesday June 23rd @ 7pm for an interactive discussion: Dreams and Visions. With us, you’ll find space in our community to ask questions, develop authentic relationships, and meaningfully engage the life and teachings of Jesus.

For in-person* directions click here. We would be honored if you joined us. Or, stay connected to Ministry in Motion by digital means and on Zoom. If you like a copy of this week’s Zoom link, email us at: office[@]minm.church

 Instagram Home Office[at]minm.church Facebook

* While not a requirement, 

we believe wearing a face mask, while in person, 

is one of the ways we can love our neighbors and 

our MinM family.  

#MininstryinMotion #pkes