What Does Born Again Mean To You?

If you were to drop: “born again” at a dinner meet-up, 
would the other guests give you: "awww, bless your heart” 
or the proverbial stink eye?

What does: Born again mean to you? 

Born Again. It’s a term well known in American culture, a major theological emphasis in some denominations of Christianity; 

Born Again. A compilation album by the American rapper: Notorious B.I.G., released by Bad Boy Records. Not your first though regarding Born Again, just guessing; 

Born again. The term that highlights the event(s) that launch a person’s journey with Jesus; 

Born again. A social and political bucket that people are place into, either intentionally or unwittingly.  A  stat from the Barna Research Group recorded: 
(51%) of the nation's 95 million born again adults view global warming as a major problem facing the country
(42%) consider global warming a lesser issue   
(7%) of the “Born Again” folks are not sure about Global Warming 

Born Again. Billy Graham wrote: To be born again is to have the Holy Spirit transform our hearts from indifference and hostility toward God, to a love of God  

So there was this old time Pharisee named Nicodemus comes to talk to Jesus one night — they have a little convo  about being born again and stuff like that. Nic is more than a little confuse, but Jesus lets him know that the second birth is more of a spiritual thing. Don't worry, Nic, it's not as weird as it sounds.
In short, Jesus tells him you do have to be reborn in water and also receive God's spirit. Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Right? 
What does born again mean to you?

Connect with us on Wednesday August 25th @ 7pm for an interactive discussion. With us, you’ll find space to ask questions, share your thoughts and develop authentic relationships, while meaningfully engaging the life and teachings of Jesus.

We would be honored if you joined us on-line. 
If you like a copy of this week’s Zoom link, 
email us at: office[@]minm.church

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