Being Persistent

Perseverance is more than endurance. 
It is endurance combined with absolute assurance and 
certainty that what we are looking for is going to happen.
- Oswald Chambers

The Parable of the Unjust Judge or the Parable of the Persistent Woman, is one of the parables of Jesus which appears in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 18:1–8). 

There is no doubt that Jesus is sharing some thoughts about prayer in this parable. He says as much in verse one: “…Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up…”
In this story a judge who lacks compassion is repeatedly approached by a woman seeking justice. Initially rejecting her demands, he eventually honors her request so he will not be worn out by her persistence. 

What are three tools in your toolbox that 
you use to fuel persistence?

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