Sheep and the Goats

In His final days before He went to the cross, Jesus spent time with His disciples and shared with them about His return. Return? Where are you going Jesus? His followers were confused, even those closest to Him. He said to them:

“When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, 
he will sit on his glorious throne…he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats…the sheep 
on his right and the goats on his left…Then the King will say to those
 on his right…”
Those who were with Jesus struggled to understand that he would die on a cross, resurrect, and ascend to heaven. Jesus gave them hope, though, that He would come again. In the story of the sheep and goats, Jesus wants us to understand that our choices reveal the kingdom to whom we belong.

The very worst approach to this parable is to stand over it, assuming we are sheep, and arguing the destiny of the goats.  It might be better if we come to this parable in repentance saying: "I see the goat in my heart, Lord. Forgive me.”