
Showing posts from April, 2015


Proverbs is maybe the greatest "How-To" book ever written. Summarizing the Book of Proverbs is a bit difficult. For unlike many other books of Scripture, there is no particular plot or storyline found in its pages; there are no principal characters in the book. It is Godly wisdom that takes center stage . There is an irrefutable sensibleness found in this book - sensible answers to all types of human difficulties and challenges are found within Proverbs thirty-one chapters.  Wednesday night April 29th @ 6:30pm we'll gather and Study together, the Book of Proverbs…Pastor Keith #GatherGrowGo

Magnetic Poles

The Psalmist wrote: "..I will teach you and tell you the way to go and how to get there..” Could the earth‘s magnetic fields flip, like football teams at half time? Some geophysicists, and experts from NASA, think that the Earth’s magnetic poles have and could soon switch ends with the magnetic north pole becoming south, and vice versa. Fortunately, when they say ‘soon’ these science guys are thinking in geological timescales - they mean sometime in the next few thousand years. Boy, would that mess up our GPS and our sense of direction? Speaking of directions, wouldn't it be cool if the Master of the universe, the Lord Himself, gave us instructions on where to go and how to proceed in life?: "..I will teach you and tell you the way to go and how to get there; I will give you good counsel, and I will watch over you.." I like the idea of God guiding and watching me - I find that really comforting. But staying open to divine supervision, that's a challenge. You ...

If The Shoe Fits...

If the shoe fits, wear it. Remember that old adage? While studying Scripture this week I was reintroduced to some weighty thoughts from Proverbs 6. King Solomon penned this: "...Take  note,  there are six things the Eternal hates,  no,  make it  seven He abhors..." Hate? Abhor? Pretty strong vocabulary. My eyes widened, I sat to the edge of my seat and my heart rate quickened. I continued reading : "...Eyes  that look down on others, a tongue that can’t be trusted,  hands that shed innocent blood,  A heart that conceives evil plans,  feet that sprint toward evil, A  false witness who breathes out lies,  and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful..."  Pierced by God's written Word, I re-read the verses again only to feel the writer point his boney, prophetic, finger straight at my heart with this convicting catalog list of seven despicable behaviors. While these aren’t the only actions that should be avoided, th...

Who Will Be In Heaven?

I've had a God-sized question stirring within me that's just agitating my soul. It has nothing to do with going to Church, Mass or Temple. My gnawing question is not about giving monies, lighting candles or reciting Torah. We just came out of a week when more people were exposed to the deep things of God, more than at any other time of the year, including Christmas. On TV, Cecil B. DeMille’s epic “The Ten Commandments” aired again. The CBS miniseries “The Dovekeepers” and NBC’s 12-hour long show “A.D” were on television. “The Bible” by Mark Burnett and Roma Downey also aired and “Killing Jesus” made its debut. The Easter season is a natural marketing opportunity for programs with Biblical themes. I’m good with this Easter entertainment and with people of faith who express their artistic craft. With so many minds set on the things from above my vexing question this Sunday is simple: Who Will Be in Heaven Because of You, anyone? ... Pastor Keith # minmch...

Why Did He Do It?

How do you explain it? He was a blue-collar kind ‘a guy, he worked with his hands, but He had no money. He never posted a blog, wrote a book, appeared on a talk show or held political office. He had no website, Twitter account or Facebook page. He wasn’t a big traveler and never trekked more than 200 miles from his hometown. And His friends? One betrayed Him, one denied Him and others hide for fear that they would end up like Him. Adored one week, scoffed at the next. Prior to his death He was scorned and belittled; after his death, people, they couldn’t resist Him. How do you explain it? Why did He do it? Look in the mirror! Peace, this Easter… Pastor Keith # minmchurch    #MinistryinMotionChurch