If The Shoe Fits...

If the shoe fits, wear it. Remember that old adage? While studying Scripture this week I was reintroduced to some weighty thoughts from Proverbs 6. King Solomon penned this: "...Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates, no, make it seven He abhors..." Hate? Abhor? Pretty strong vocabulary. My eyes widened, I sat to the edge of my seat and my heart rate quickened. I continued reading: "...Eyes that look down on others, a tongue that can’t be trusted, hands that shed innocent blood, A heart that conceives evil plans, feet that sprint toward evil, A false witness who breathes out lies, and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful..."  Pierced by God's written Word, I re-read the verses again only to feel the writer point his boney, prophetic, finger straight at my heart with this convicting catalog list of seven despicable behaviors. While these aren’t the only actions that should be avoided, they do sum up most of the wicked things condemned by God. The seven things God hates are the sins that deal with the deep heart motives of the individual. Convicted, I had to ask myself, does the shoe fit? If any of Solomon's verses apply to you, admit it. Then do something about it...Pastor Keith

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