
Mark Twain, said tongue in cheek: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” Many of us have the tendency to dilly-dally, like waiting until April 14th to complete your taxes; Or doing our Christmas shopping on the 24th of December; Still others plan on starting their diet, when? Tomorrow. I think it is part of human nature to put things off; I’m guilty of it. Charles Dickens wrote: “…Procrastination is the thief of time.” and in truth it’s one of the most common and deadliest of diseases - its toll on success and happiness can be huge. Do what you have to do today because you don't own tomorrow. Scripture says: “..The reality is you have no idea where your life will take you tomorrow..” To say I will do it tomorrow is to infringe on God's territory and time. Just a Sunday Thought, Shalom…
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