Reflection #Lent

Our 2016 Lenten journey to Easter continues - Reflection. Have you ever wondered why you are able to see your reflection in a mirror or why you see things reflected in the first place? The answers happen to be one of the simplest laws in physics; it is called the law of reflection, it says that for specular reflection the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence. Got it? Think mirrors, they exhibit specular reflection. <+> Spiritual reflection is a short saying that packs a huge meaning. Proverbs 27:19 says: “…As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart…” Another way to look at this is to know that our relationships with others reflect back on ourselves. So, how we think of ourselves is reflected in how we treat others. Pause here. Take a break. This Lenten season and examine yourself – how are your treating others? The answer might just be in the mirror.
#Minmchurch #Lent