DNA, Telomeres & My Soul
Could something as astounding as our DNA have come from anywhere else but a loving Creator? More and more often I’m seeing articles and advertisements pop-up, which encourage genetic testing. The craze to know the secrets held by our DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid) seems to be increasing rapidly. So is telomere testing. Telomere health is intriguing. Telomeres are the section of DNA base, paired at the end of the chromosome, they function as a disposable buffers. Telomeres serve to protect the ends of chromosomes from sticking to each other, while protecting genetic information during cell division. Apparently, a short piece of each chromosome is lost every time DNA is replicated. If it were not for telomeres, important genetic information needed to sustain the cell’s activity might vanish. While I find telomere testing fascinating, I’m not ready to dive in yet, but more and more ppl I come across are collecting their dribble or swabbing their cheeks and sending their tube off in a sealed prepaid mailer to discover a more complete story of their genetic makeup. Apparently, for some, the unique characteristics of their DNA information is worth having and knowing.
This has value too: "You, O’ God made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit them together, thank you for making me so wonderfully complex, it’s amazing and mind blowing to think about. Your workmanship, Father, is marvelous. You were there while I was being formed in utter seclusion!"
Could something as astounding as our DNA have come from anywhere else but a loving Creator? Consider that every person you see. Every person you meet. Every person you watch on TV or listen to on a podcast was created by God. Friend or stranger, we all bear strands of His DNA. And because of this all of His people deserve to be treated with love, dignity and respect. Our DNA is like a blueprint of our soul — it’s sacred, unique and like nothing else in this universe.