Swipe-Right Culture

Where do you belong and to whom do you belong to?
A sense of belonging is something that many people crave, especially in a world where the feeling of disconnection from others is seemingly on the increase and more commonplace.

Swipe Right. For all our great advances in technology, modern Americans are more disconnected than ever before. Despite constant, always-on connectivity, we appear to be lonelier than any other human group in history. I’m not sure all is well with us - there’s a growing tendency of self focus and to forget others.

Long to belong. Belonging is our primary human need. Whatever else it means to be human, we know beyond doubt that it means to be relational. Beyond food and shelter, nothing promotes human flourishing like an authentic association to a group of people and having a place of belonging. Where did this come from?

But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.  1Jn4:4

Woke. When we belong to God and not ourselves we can then and only then fully belong to others. For a theology of belonging to become real, we must be willing to acknowledge our Creator and dare to venture into the places in our communities where the longing to connect is unmet; we need to be aware of a truth behind belonging: “…our belonging to each other can’t be lost, but it can be forgotten…” 

Ministry in Motion’s 2020 Rhythms. Regrettably, I’m saddened by how many times I have missed the needs of people around me because I wasn’t paying attention. I wasn’t taking an interest them. I hadn’t shifted the focus from me to the others, I missed someone in need.

Put yourself aside, and help others get ahead. Don’t be obsessed with getting your own advantage. Forget yourselves long enough to lend a helping hand. 

Be intentional. Look away from yourself and to the needs of others.