Hands of Clay

 But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay, and You our potter; and all we are the work of Your hand  Isaiah 64:8

Because clay can be both pliable and permanent, it has been used for everything from writing to brick-making, from cave drawing to cooking vessels. 

Every culture has left its mark in some form of clay. And the symbolic clay that you are holding today carries the whole story of creation.
When was the last time you held a lump of clay in the palm of your hand?

Consider this contemplative practice: Find a comfortable place to sit, hold your clay cupped in your hands. As you breathe in, notice the ease and naturalness of your breath. As you inhale and exhale, try your very best to let go of anything you do not need in order to be present — be here and now. With each gentle breath, in and out, let your eyes close or go soft. Let your mind rest in the clay. Close your eyes if that makes you comfortable. 

Maybe you’ll be content and inclined to simply hold the ball of clay in your cupped hands; Maybe you will lean towards kneading the clay; Possibly you’ll want to open your eyes and be inspired to craft the clay into an object, icon or shape. Hold, visualize, shape or just be. Remember all the times when you felt like a simple lump of clay. Remember how special you were…you are. May we the ordinary become sacred in Your hands, O Lord, Amen.
A Sunday Thought … Pkes    MinM