Can You Hear Me Now?

Are you a good listener? The writer of Proverbs said: “…To respond to a matter before you hear about it shows foolishness and brings shame.” Becoming a good listener is important to preserving and nurturing relationships. Good listening skills help you learn and understand as well as project a warm and caring attitude. Unfortunately many of us would rather talk than listen. Most people are very aware that other people don't listen well, but we're not nearly as aware that we don't listen. In The Book of Proverbs King Solomon called this foolishness or folly. When listening, we convey this foolhardiness when we do things like: trying to top the speakers story with one of our own; being distracted – and showing it; interrupting and here’s the BIG one: listening only long enough to try and find a fix for what’s being shared. Again, Solomon said answering before listening is both stupid and rude. 
Want to be a good listener? Use your ears more than your mouth; Pay close attention; Share sympathy, not solutions and pray, this last tip should come first -  ask God to give you grace for listening…Shalom
Pastor Keith
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