I Want It Now!

covetI want it and I want it now! Waa Waa, like a child carrying on, we scream I want it now - an uncontrolled desire to acquire. Exodus 20:17 says, You are not to covet ..” In Hebrew, covet or chamad, means to desire or take pleasure in or to lust after or to long for. Covet, this little word is huge in it's implications; so important is this word it’s included in the Ten Commandments. Now, desires are not wrong. In fact, many honorable wants come from God. But when our desires are uncontrolled, like a child screaming for something they want in the supermarket, it comes dangerously close to coveting. The smart writer of Ecclesiastes said: "...Enjoy what you have rather than desiring what you don’t ...." God’s disdain for covetousness is uber valid – because it’s a form of idolatry, not something He likes. He's a jealous God. He tolerates no rivals. His jealousy manifests when someone’s center of focus is not on Him. How do you avoid the snare of coveting? Understand this simple truth: covetousness is a tool Satan uses to distract us from pursuing the only thing that will ever make us happy and content—God Himself. My Sunday a thought...Pastor Keith
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