Butterfly Effect

reap what you sow
Proverbs 11:24 says, “The world of the generous gets larger and larger; the world of the stingy gets smaller and smaller". Stingy = unwilling to give or spend, sparing or scant in using, giving, or sharing. Have you heard of the Biblical principle of you reap what you sow? It might look like this: If you are angry all the time, people are going to respond in anger. If you cheat other people, you are going to perceive that people are cheating you. If you gossip about others, guess what? You’re going to be neurotic that people are gossiping about you. In short, you cannot escape the consequences of your actions. Everything that you do has repercussions. Think "Butterfly Effect". This theory says in part: a very small event has exceedingly large and far-reaching impact. In practice it might look like this: If you forgive others, they are going to be more forgiving. If you’re generous, people tend to respond with generosity. Why not initiate a chain reaction today - be gracious, be generous, be who God designed you to be. The choice is yours…Pastor Keith
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