Betrayal Part I

Et tu, Brute? And you to, Brutus? An old school, throwback quote from William Shakespeare, usually used to signify maxed-out and  unexpected betrayal. Human beings need to trust, but betrayal is a gross violation of precious trust. It can be a devastating. And, it can inflict physical, spiritual and psychological pain. The hurt and pain of betrayal is magnified especially when we feel exposed, when we feel vulnerable. 
I like what Brené Brown wrote in her book The Gifts of Imperfection. … Shame, blame, disrespect, betrayal … damage the roots from which love grows. Love can only survive these injuries if they are acknowledged….”
Are you able to acknowledge and name your betrayal and move towards forgiveness? Moving towards forgiveness invites us to be kind and gentle towards our betrayal pain. It’s also a time to ask God to help us learn more about ourself, about trust, and about the importance of being vulnerable, gracious, yet cautious. 
#SeasonofBetrayal #MetroLifeChurch #minmchurch