How Are You Feeling?
“…Be anxious for nothing, but ….” [1] Can you really be anxious for nothing, as the Apostle Paul wrote? Even people of faith, and especially in these uncharted and challenging times, we all can feel anxious [2] about one thing or another. If you’re feeling anxious today I encourage you to spend a little time with it. Pause. Name it, saying: I’m anxious about __________! Labeling emotions, like being anxious, is a simple act acknowledging the feeling in an effort to help you untwist and separate, if even only momentarily, from the emotion. In that brief hiatus from your emotion, breathe in God’s love, while exhaling everything else. Relax. Bask in the sufficiency of God with you. Breathe out. See all the things that you’ve exhaled evaporate, vaporizing the light of God’s very presence. [1] Phil 4:6 [2] Charles Goodstein, MD , a clinical professor of psychiatry at New York University Langone Medical Center, writes: “What makes .. ( anxiou...