What's Your Definition of Blessed?

Choose your words wisely. It seems that some people often say that they’re blessed instead of using other language so they can add an emphasis on the idea that God had something to do with their circumstances. Is that arrogance or truth?

Slang. If you say you’re ‘blessed’ it’s like you’re voicing you feel lucky or to have something: health, love, fame, fortune, talent, etc. If so, I’m very happy for you. Maybe the only time you feel blessed is when you sneeze….

Sacred. ‘Blessed’ is a spiritual word. It is a biblical word. Consider God’s words to Abraham: “The Lord said to Abram … I will bless you, and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing…”  The Abrahamic promise seeks to begin to reverse the effects of the Fall and restore creation to the blessedness seen in Genesis Chapter 1.

What does it mean to be a blessing?
People of faith use the word ‘blessed’, a lot. It’s a beautiful word if voiced in sincerity. When people say, “You’re a blessing” they’re saying thank you for being, well you. The word  sounds a little ‘churchy’ a bit corny … it’s even too easy to brush off such a compliment. My challenge to myself and to others, this Lenten season, is to learn to give and receive thanks, to take seriously expressions of appreciation and gratitude. 

What’s Your Definition of Blessed? Is it a way to say everything’s cool? Not necessarily. Blessed are those who know how to : be poor in spirit; mourn well; be meek; speak righteousness; extend mercy; exhibit a pure heart; be peaceable. Blessed are those who are criticized for their Godliness.  
Reflect upon your present blessings
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